Mission & Vision


Lighthouse Church exists to make disciples 

of Jesus Christ 

to the glory of God

by the power of the Spirit.



When Jesus says that we are to love the Lord with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind, he is alluding to different areas of our being that together should be being built up and spilling over in affection for God. In the same way that an athlete spends time shaping the parts of his/her body that are necessary to accomplishing his/her goals, disciples, with great intention, spend time flexing and shaping every area of their being until all of who they are is endeared and devoted to all of who God is.


At Lighthouse we do this through the Sunday gathering, through community life, through theological education, and through missional living.


The Scriptures in Front of Us

That we would commit ourselves to God’s word—the Bible—understanding that it is primary and necessary in understanding the true nature and character of God as we seek to know him, and that we must submit to its authority as the clear and final arbiter on all issues. And it is the expectation that through our commitment to the Scriptures, we will grow in our reading, knowledge, and application of God’s word, trusting that through them we are being transformed into the image of Jesus. 

The Spirit Inside Us 

That we would commit ourselves to “live by the Spirit” and to “keep in step” with he who is making Christ known in our hearts and empowering us to crucify the flesh along with its passions and desires. At the same time, he is awakening our hearts to the things of God, giving us gifts and producing in us fruit that will help fulfill Christ’s kingdom purposes “on earth as it is in Heaven.” And it is the expectation that through our commitment to the Spirit, we will grow in our affections for Jesus and that love will spill over in Christian charity manifesting in voluntary and sacrificial giving (of our resources, time, energy, and skills), in genuine care for the body, and in evangelistic hope for the lost.  

The Saints Around Us

That we would commit ourselves to our fellow brethren in Christ, understanding that God has created and designed us, as humans, to flourish together, and that because of our devotion and love for our brothers and sisters, the world will know we belong to Jesus. And it is the expectation that through our commitment to the Saints, we will grow in our desire to gather (one with another) and in our desire to serve (one for another), trusting that as these desires and our obedience are increasing, we will “grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.”


Healthy, maturing, vibrant, truly Christian life for any individual believer is connected, by God’s design, to their proximity and participation in Christ’s Church. And healthy, maturing, vibrant, truly Christian churches, by God’s design, are filled with healthy members. If you are interested in becoming a member, click the link below.

Membership Process